Interview: Jimmy Bradley, Chef/Owner The Red Cat
By Bob Bickell
"Jimmy Bradley, the cook's cook! Jimmy can sling hash with the best of chefs, but that is the least of it. He is the chef other cooks aspire to be: cool, calm, poised, intelligent, and confident. Jimmy is unusually gifted: he has food rhythm, he can make food dance, and he can improvise. He is full of hidden surprises, unleashing them with full gale force. His cooking has no equal; it is unique." - Chef Jonathan Waxman
Jimmy Bradley is the epitome of what makes New York the greatest restaurant city on the planet. It's understandable to identify Manhattan with the big-name celebrity chefs and their three and four-star, world-class establishments. However, what really makes New York so interesting and so unique is the plethora of one and two-star restaurants run by dedicated creative and talented chefs.
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