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Restaurant Report E-mail Newsletter & Website Feedback
On-line for over 20 years now, we have received thousands of e-mails from our readers asking questions or debating editorial topics and every once in awhile sending in a heartfelt thank you note. Each of the comments below was sent in to us completely unsolicited by our readers -- and for that we thank them! ***** I want to commend you on a terrific web site for restauranteurs! I have just spent 30 minutes browsing your site, checking out articles, links and other resources. Not only do you supply the restauranteur with terrific, accurately researched information but you supply enough links to keep anyone pleasantly perusing for hours! Thankfully this is part of my job! Keep up the good work, and I'm sure you won't mind me telling my members to check you out too. Susan Dodge May, Administrative Assistant ***** I learn more from your e-newsletter than any other publication I receive. Last year I expanded my restaurant from lunch only to lunch and dinner. Hearing what other people have done in similar situations makes me know that I am not alone! Thanks, ***** I really enjoy this newsletter, because it gives support to the weary Restaurant Owner. I especially enjoy the articles about Philly, having grown up around LaSalle college. My heart goes out to the new Owner, I hope they are able to get it together, rethink strategy etc. Sad to say, I closed my restaurant in Ca. last September after 5 years. The restaurant business is a major challenge and you can not make it without community support, I hope it all works out. Keep up the great work!!!!
Mary ***** Wow, what a great service you all provide. When I had my restaurants it was something I could not live with out. And now that I have my consulting company that helps restaurants it is even more valuable to keep up on things happening. Thank you so much for having such passion in what you do.Jimmy Bornamann, Flavor Restaurant Consulting ***** Hello, ...I have thoroughly enjoyed your newsletters...Thank you very much for all of the information you provide... Sincerely, ***** Just want to thank you for an excellent publication. I send it to everyone I know in the business. I look forward to recieving it each week. I will soon be a restaurant owner and I can't tell you how invaluable your newsletter has been. Keep up the good work. Thanks,
Sincerely, ***** Once again, kudos to this newsletter, its a wonderful forum for intelligent industry discussion and problem sharing.
Scott McKenzie ***** Just wanted to say you have a great site. Helpful and one of the easiest to navigate. Mike ***** I discovered your site recently and want to tell you it is absolutely wonderful. I am owner of a small publishing company which produces trade magazines for the hospitality-beverage industry (nightclub.com and beverage-retailer.com). Your site is what a site should be. Hope you don't mind if we take a few cues from how your organized and present your information. Ed Meek - Publisher/President ***** What a great column to wake up to...I look forward to it. Thanks, ***** Hello, my name is Evan G. Spiegler. I am the general manager of a dinner club located in Southern Wisconsin. My experience is limited, as I am merely 22 years old. Your publication has been extremely helpful to my expanding desire and need to learn more about the restaurant business. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. Thank you. Evan G. Spiegler ***** Hello, I managed a small restaurant in Maine for the last two years...I was browsing through your web site and found that it has a substantial amount of valuable information that will be very helpful. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ***** I was happy to receive a copy of Issue 25 last evening, which was forwarded to me by one of my colleagues. I was particularly impressed by a feature which wrote about the culture that exists today in our industry with regard to our employees and steps that the managers of today should take in order to make business successful! I completely agree with the same and must say that the article had quite a few pointers that would be helpful for the young lads. It would be a pleasure to receive articles from your end on a consistent basis. Look forward to hearing from you!! ***** I find your newsletter incredibly interesting and informative and filled with useful tips. Gets me jazzed and excited about this awesome business we are all involved with and in!
Regards, ***** I am enjoying the culinary school tennis match immensely. What a great service you are providing for those looking for info. I have referred someone to the discussion who wrote into to FoodWeb® looking for guidance. Joanne Lenweaver - http://www.foodweb.com ***** I really enjoy your newsletter and look forward to upcoming issues. Sincerely, ***** ...you put a lot of work into this newsletter and that's the thing that stays in my memory. Seasons Greetings, ***** I have recently had the pleasure of reading your forwarded newsletter and would like to get on your mailing list. I sit on the board of one of the largest chapters of NACE (National Association of Catering Executives) in the country and know of others who would probably be very interested as well. Thank you for your consideration, and keep up the good work! Joe Halbrucker - Orlando FL ***** Thanks for your newsletter. Not only is it very informative, it makes for good reading Sincerely, ***** I was surfing the net and I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your site. I remember when you were just starting to get online. Your site is great - easy to navigate, lots of great information, articles, etc. Keep up the good work! Barbara Rosenberg ***** I have enjoyed the articles from your publishing for the last 12 months, and pleased to say that I have recommended your article to several friends. Thank you for all the information. Chef David ***** I read you newsletter from start to finish each month, great content. Well done. Tony Eldred - ELDRED TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ***** I want to tell you how much I enjoy Restaurant Report ... Often I print articles and distribute them at work especially at food and bev. meetings. Thank You, ***** Restaurant Report is On the Rail's site of the Month! We have linked to you on our hot links page Congratulations on building a truly useful site!!!! Janet Fouts ***** I am the former chef at Tavern On The Green in NYC. Just wanted to let you know your newsletter has a world of great information. Thanks, ***** Your Restaurant Report is absolutely a great and informative web site! I have enjoyed my visits and am equally impressed how you have put it all together! Sincerely, ***** Receiving and going through your newsletter really gives me a lot of pleasure. Thank you. Kind regards, Tony Rogalsky ***** After a trip to the Boston food show last this past week, I have finally found time to sort through the maze of promotional literature and material I accumulated. After reading through your April 2000 issue of Restaurant Report, I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't recall how it got in my bag! After reading a few articles, I'm impressed and find that the content is much more in line with my business than what I typically read (restaurant hospitality, etc.) especially the article on page twelve by Scott Gray. I'm going to pass this along to my staff look through your web site hoping that the content is likewise enriching. Keep up the good work! Jim Lyons ***** We love your newsletter. We find it interesting, insightful and informative on subjects of interest to everyone in hospitality. Jackson Browne ***** May I congratulate you on a superb newsletter. You provide up to date, relevant and very interesting information regarding restaurants and the hospitality industry. As a hospitality trainer, I found the information invaluable. It is unfortunate though that such a great service is only dealing with the U.S. Working in Australia, there is a dearth of good hospitality information for the industry in the form of newsletters/e-mails. Maybe such an issue could be addressed. Keep up the excellent work. Sincerely, ***** Thank you for your newsletter, as a future restaurant owner, I value any information I can get to be a better informed entrepreneur...the value I get out of it is much more than you will know. J. Miller ***** I'm not exactly sure how I wound up on your site, but am very happy I found it. IT is a wealth of information for both the restaurant owner as well as the restaurant patron. All contents are enjoyable. Thanks! ***** I discovered your website yesterday in my constant search for recipe ideas for my restaurant. I was thrilled to finally find a site with the whole package. All your links are great and informative and I jumped on the Internet today and read up on some great articles concerning operations. Thanks! ***** WOW. All my prayers are being answered! What a fantastic newsletter. Thank you for doing it. Carolynn Svoboda
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